Technologies for on-site Wastewater Treatment Technologies for on-site Wastewater Wastewater treatment on–site is performed when sewage is treated within small domestic wastewater treatment (WWT) systems directly after it is transmitted from the household. The treatment efficiency and corresponding impact to environment differs from WWT technology used. It concerns specially to reduction of nutrients, such as denitrification or phosphorus removal, in the majority of cases cannot be achieved without additional unit processes. Click on technology to read more: Technologies for on-site Wastewater Treatment

Cleaner water

in your village and around

VillageWaters Project
VillageWaters suggest most effective wastewater treatment solutions in scattered dwellings households, which use their own, independently operated water purification systems.

Helping Homeowners
Environmentally oriented families and homeowners, who live in scattered dwellings areas, where connecting to larger wastewater plants is not option because rural distances.

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Technologies for on-site Wastewater

Technologies for on-site Wastewater

Introduction of technologies Here are brief introductions of technologies, which are available for environmentally aware families, who need wastewater treatment systems Wastewater treatment on–site is performed when sewage is treated within small domestic wastewater treatment (WWT) systems directly after it is transmitted from the household. The treatment efficiency and corresponding impact to environment differs from WWT technology used. It concerns specially to reduction of nutrients, such as denitrification or phosphorus removal, in the majority of cases cannot be achieved without additional unit processes.Click on technology to read more:

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