Kalle Küngas Kalle Küngas Kalle wants to be involved in small villages’ effluents related projects to help local communities to solve wastewater problems and to be environmental friendly Kalle Küngas

Cleaner water

in your village and around

Kalle Küngas

Kalle Küngas

Kalle is CEO of Contracting Partner No 16. As company manager is Kalle responsible for wastewater treatment plant general design, finding best location for wastewater treatment plant. Design, installing and maintenance of wastewater treatment plant in Kuusalu municipality is a part of responsibilities.


Kalle wants to be involved in small villages’ effluents related projects to help local communities to solve wastewater problems and to be environmental friendly.

VillageWaters Project
VillageWaters suggest most effective wastewater treatment solutions in scattered dwellings households, which use their own, independently operated water purification systems.

Helping Homeowners
Environmentally oriented families and homeowners, who live in scattered dwellings areas, where connecting to larger wastewater plants is not option because rural distances.

Project publications
Information Tool, article base and blog will be linked directly to our website.

See also our Facebook pages

SYKLI Environmental School of Finland
PL 72, 11101 Riihimäki, Finland
Jari Heiskanen (Chief Web Manager),
phone. +358 50 375 2657,

Web Design and CMS by

Kalle Küngas

Kalle Küngas

Kalle is CEO of Contracting Partner No 16 As company manager is Kalle responsible for wastewater treatment plant general design, finding best location for wastewater treatment plant

Kalle Küngas © 2016-2019 VillageWaters Project »